How an E-bike Can Save You Commuting Costs

How an E-bike Can Save You Commuting Costs

Many cyclists commute to work instead of driving a car because they save money on transportation costs. The most common question from those unfamiliar with eBikes is whether or not it will save you money as much as a non-motorized bicycle. The short answer is yes, and in many cases you can save almost as much money with an electric bike as you would with a traditional bicycle.

Ultimately, how much money you'll save by riding an electric bicycle depends on your own biking habits. It has been shown that cyclists who switch over to a eBike will often ride their bike 50% more than their traditional bicycle, resulting in significant savings in travel time if that extra time is spent on a eBike instead of a car. How much money can you save with an eBike, and what other ways will it save you money? To help you gain a better understanding of the savings you can expect from riding an eBike, here are some general answers:


Charging Costs


Using the battery of an e-bike is not only better for the environment than using gasoline for a car, but it is also much cheaper. You can calculate the cost of charging your e-bike with just 3 points: the battery voltage of your e-bike, the amp-hours of the battery, and your specific electricity rates expressed in Kilowatt-hours (KWh). The last piece of information can be found on your electric bill.

Calculate your Watt-hours by multiplying voltage by amp hours. Divide the Watt-hours by 1,000 to get Kilowatt-hours (KWh). Multiply your local electricity cost per kilowatt-hour by the Kilowatt-hours. Your e-bike likely costs just a few pennies to charge depending on where you live. Once you have calculated how many times you charge your bike while commuting each day, you can determine your daily, weekly, and yearly costs. Regardless of how much electricity you pay in your area, it is sure to be much less than the cost of refueling a vehicle.


Added Vehicle Costs


However, the true costs of commuting in a car are much higher than those incurred by driving an electric bike. According to a report on a site dedicated to strengthening how cities work, the actual cost of a commute is 34 cents per mile. This includes not only gas, but also oil, tires, maintenance, and the depreciation of your Suppose you commute 15 miles a day 250 times or more in a year, so your car expenses would be $3, E-bikes require about $150 a year in maintenance, such as brake pads or motor tune-ups. Batteries can last 1,000 recharges before they wear out.  One charge lasts 30 to 50 miles. That means the rider will probably exhaust the battery long before it does.


Insurance Costs


The average automobile owner pays $1,502 a year for car insurance. The average cost of motorcycle insurance is $702 annually, according to the Motorcycle Legal Foundation. Even a moped costs an average of $250 a year to insure. There is no insurance requirement for class 1, 2, 3 e-bikes. Registration isn't required for riders, nor do they need to have a license.


Parking Fees


According to a report by a transportation analytics company, the average driver spends more than $3,000 on parking each year. The most expensive parking across the country ranged from $8 an hour to $17 an hour. E-bikes can be locked up to a bike rack or brought into the office for little or no charge. Foldable bikes are especially useful if bike racks aren't available and elevators or office spaces are limited.




There are a number of other savings that can come from using an eBike that we haven’t even touched on. Do you want to impress your date with an activity that won't drain your bank account? Do you want to get a great daily workout without joining a gym or investing in expensive gym equipment? Do you want to never worry about having spare change to pay for a bus fare, toll booth, or parking space? Although we've listed some of the most obvious savings above, with an eBike you'll save even more money in ways you may not have imagined! Even though eBikes may have a high upfront cost, they will more than pay for themselves in the long run. A new electric bike can help you improve your health, do good for the environment, and save money at the same time!

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